Animes that you have watched and cohh should watch

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you should watch Fairy Tail it's a long lasting anime, atm it's at 175 episodes it's one of the only anime that have made me tear up. the music is beautiful the best I've ever heard in an anime, i have a lot of the songs on my ipod. it's starting back up in April if you do watch it. strongly recommend
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axoin wrote:you should watch Fairy Tail it's a long lasting anime, atm it's at 175 episodes it's one of the only anime that have made me tear up. the music is beautiful the best I've ever heard in an anime, i have a lot of the songs on my ipod. it's starting back up in April if you do watch it. strongly recommend
FT is honestly one of the worst manga out there. The OST's are great but the story, plot and everything is utter garbage. It has so much potential but the writer continually writes himself in a corner and then proceeds to bullshit his way out of any situation.

Rules of the world are broken just for the sake of making the hero look cool and excessive disappointing fan service that is used to distract the viewer from plot holes, which are plentiful
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Hey peeps - can we try to keep this topic to suggesting anime's and giving reasons for watching based on own opinions and NOT make posts purely to comment negatively on other ppls suggestions.

Feel free to add positive comments, but keep the "OMG Anime ABCXX is the worst thing ever, yadda yadda blabla" away! Thanks
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i am more into violent/action/psychological but here are my suggestions wich havent been noted yet

Black lagoon
Btooom : if u liked watching battle royale u will probs apreciate this anime [manga is also good]
Gantz [though i would recommend the manga over anime]

now some suggestions wich are not in everyones taste wich several are studio ghibli movies

Graves of the fireflies
Spirited away

alrdy named be4 but still want to give them my +1
Akira [got me into watching more anime in the first place]
Berserk: i suggest watching the movies
Elfen lied
darker than black i recommend watching all series [some say season 2 is a bit less but if u watch all 3 series u will apreciate the anime so much more]
Mirai Nikki: intresting lovestory is all i can say ;p
Another: good thriller horror
Swordt art Online: stuck in mmo but support can't help u?
Shingeki no kyojin: awesome violent anime ;p
Death Note: loving the story

and to the others will deffo give a look on ur suggestions as well hoping to find another good anime :)
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I will just leave a few titles, all of them are heavy(you will tackle complex plots and arguments, and things happen rather realistic, some have a lot of gore in it). All of them are also masterpieces, but the kind of love it or hate it.

Neon Genesis Evangelion (if possible, get the remaster version. The Characters develop is gold and very very complex, and the action is one of the best. the plot is strong and intriguing. Suffers of Pacing issues and the last episodes show the state of depression the author went through at the time, hence the remaster version being better. The ending is weak because the true ending was made into a DVD years later)

Code Geass One of the best main characters ever put on screen. Epic traditional greek tragedy story with Mechas(its not greece, i mean the play gender). Suffer from the fact that was aimed at teenagers, which may put some off.

Berserker Masterpiece. Suffer of no problem whatsoever. Don't eat before watching, 18+ (its 18+ not because of hentai, although there are sex scenes, but its realistic and gore so be careful if you are sensible, the murder scenes are brutal like they should and will mess with you mind). Be careful if there are some type of things you cannot take, this anime will mess with you inside. (the manga is better, but the remaster 1H episodes are very very good as well) Special mention: the movie for the anime, an alternative (closer to the manga) version

Monster very intriguing and the plot is very engaging. Suffers of a slow start and the secondary characters are weak until later, if they stick around.

Lastly, this is just a personal favorite, one of the best animes i've seen(again the manga is better) but its not well none. As many animes, around episode 13 the anime went its own way because it passed the manga and instead of fillers they decided on a new ending and story, somewhat different from the manga, although it maintains the same tone:

Chrno Crusade not saying anything because i'm biaste here.

there are many many more that i can add to the list later and i would like to know the opinion about fan subbing and the rules about posting such links later. Just send me a PM or say something if you are interesting in any other animes i may recommend.
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Legend of the Legendary Heroes, its kind of scary on how much it shows how people treat people that a different or have some unknown power, all in all its touching, and comical. however there is a lot of blood a gore. I recommend at least watching the first three Episodes. I really liked so I hope you do to.
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Fairy Tale, its about a wizard guild called Fairy Tale hence the title, anyway its Comical and I really love how much the characters look out for each other and how they seem so different but turn out to be quite the team. any way at least watch the first episode its a really nice anime I liked so maybe you will to :) .
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D. Gray-man, how to describe this? I have no idea. this anime series tells the story of Alan walker, a youth with a special kind of vision that destines him to be an exorcist. seeking out other exorcists Alan joins their ranks and scours the world for the weapon of innocence. note: it does not mean exorcist in the fact that the exorcise people with spinning heads, projectile vomit and climbing up walls. its more they kill monsters that have taken a humans body because they make a deal to bring back their loved one but it does not happen as planned... so watch the anime to find out what happens to them ;)
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Question first: Please comments on where you watch anime. Hulu, Netflix, etc. or websites (list website(s)). I am trying to stay away from paid subs as long as I can, but I am not opposed to it. Thanks everyone!

My suggestions (many repeated):
:D Bleach-I cannot say how much I love Bleach. Well developed characters, great action and yes, I have sobbed openly on more than one episode.
One Piece-just started this, took me a half a dozen or so eps to get into it, but I really like the humor and story
Soul Eater-wow, this is another fav-short, but a fun story and dramatic ending!
Black Butler-previously someone said this had some oddities, and I agree-not your normal story line, it goes places you do not expect
Fairy Tale-i want to live and work at the Guild!
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This show steeps in character development and a plot that will grip you until the end. Animation is way above par and voice acting is top notch. This is one of the far too few anime that doesn't flaunt women to get viewers and takes a long step away from the far too abused school setting. Pitting several magi against each other in an arena that spans the entirety of the city, all fight by any means to acquire the holy grail, a godly item said to grant any wish. This is the mature show that leaves sex at the door and gives a genuine show to watch for adults.

Get past the first episode (its a lengthy one but gets the setting in place) and ignore the prequel (Fate/Stay, I can't say anything good about that one) and I can ensure you that you will love this show. Far above any other anime on my favorite list.
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Cohh, you and Laina should really watch an anime called Clannad, its amazing
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Attack on Titan - Titanfall (Game) was born from this. enough said.
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you really need to watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

btw, here are the animes i watched so far :D
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You should watch Eureka Seven, Eureka Seven AO, Ghost in the Shell S.A.C, Ghost in the Shell 2nd Gig, All the Ghost in the Shell movies and shorts!
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Here is another huge vote for Neon Genesis Evangelion. Do *not* get the newer abridged version however... you miss out on WAY WAY WAY too much of the character development. If anime was a theme park this show would be a roller coaster the size of Six Flags over Texas...
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I dont know if that would be your kind of anime but one of my favourite animes ever is GTO - Great Techer Onizuka. You may wanna give it a try.

Greetz Hoerschy
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I would recommend Juuni Kokuki (AKA The Twelve Kingdoms), while it starts off pretty slow, it picks up and just keeps running with the momentum. It's basically an anime that deals with a feudal system in a foreign world with demons.
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Ninja Scroll ... Because... ninjas.
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If you are into romance anime, then Suzuka, Golden Time, chibi vampire karin, Say I love you.

If you are into any other types, I'm not your man xD, but I do think Sword Art Online was good, and people said Log Horizon was good, but I never got past the first episode.
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try Nodame Cantabile: it has an interesting story and it has really great music.
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